March 2

Day 2 – Love is Kind

Posted in Day 02, Week 1 tagged , , , , , at 12:05 am by Deacon Paul

Something Extra

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32 (niv)


In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.

Please post your thoughts and feelings from today and also respond to the questions in the book. Click “comments” below.


  1. Kara H said,

    I have found that, so far, I haven’t struggled with not saying negative things. I realize that I have a tendancy not to say much at all. Since my husband’s main “love language” is verbal affirmations, I need to make a point of making my appreciation for him known not by lack of negative comments, but by the presence of possitive ones. This has been a challenge-I need to keep trying.
    It took me all day to try to think of something kind I could do for him! Wierd. Nothing would come. Finally, (thank you Kirk Cameron) I decided to make him coffee for him tomorrow morning.

  2. paulgustafson said,

    We had dinner together at the table and said Grace. Something we are more willing to do when the girls are with us but not so much when it is the two of us. Jill cooked and we shared the cleanup. Later we sat on the couch and laughed – laughing is something we do no matter who is around. Even though it was earlier than I like to go to bed, we went to bed together. So what was unexpected? I spent time with Jill. I tried not to be distracted by my homework or other things that “need” to be done. I looked her in the eyes. I took time to chat. I relaxed with her and feel asleep next to her. We had a night together without the distractions of life.

  3. Amy Stienessen said,

    When I read this I was frustrated that I had to give more! I do it all day with the kids. But I thought about it all day and decided that the best thing I could give Dave was time. So I called him up and asked him to call some friends and go snowmobling for the weekend…just to be back by 3 on Sunday. He so was thankful and was kinda fun for me too!
    I have already noticed a difference in our relationship in the fact that I am more willing to just give him a hug out of the blue which has in turn given him the feeling of doing it too.

  4. Alicia Wernette said,

    Tonight was when I decided to commit the last 3-4 hours of the day to time with Joe. Normally, when we happen to be home together I continue to spend time studying or being lazy. I decided that I would put the books away by 8:00 when we are together. We popped some popcorn and talked about playing cards but ended up talking and watching the worlds strongest man together.. but hey, it was fun to hang with him.

  5. Nikki said,

    It’s the simple things in life right? This morning I woke up and made my husband a lunch and also started his coffee for the day, it may not seem like much… but I don’t usually do this because I am ALWAYS running so far behind and then I need to get the kids ready too. (Which he has been helping with LOTS lately!!!!) Anyway, it was small, but HUGE if you know what I mean.

  6. Todd D. said,

    We ended up just lounging and talking as much as possible, work interfered severely with today. Nothing like getting 2 miles from home, only to be paged to go back to work and staying there for 3 more hours. Couldn’t do much when I finally did get home, but relaxing together instead of seperate was a new one.

  7. Katie H. said,

    On this day I struggled a little with not saying anything negative, but I managed it fairly easily. For Michael I tried to be attentive to his needs, and held a flashlight for him while he did some re-wiring, without him having to ask. I could tell he was surprised when I jumped up and offered my help, and it felt really good to tell him “I love you” in a way he wasn’t expecting.

  8. Jeff said,

    My attempt to do the act of kindness didn’t really work. I attempted to connect her phone to the Sync in her car but for some reason her phone must be too old to accept the connection. She did appreciate the gesture.

  9. Garren M. said,

    My wife and I have been together for 3 years and have only been married for a couple weeks. She came home and said she didn’t feel the spark and felt like we had some trust issues. I’m devoting my heart and soul to this right now… Today will be day 2 and I’m not actually living with her right now… I hope this goes well… I’m going to get her food from her favorite place and take it to her work. Hopefully I can hand it off to someone that can give it to her, just for effect. On the box I’m going to write, I know I wasn’t the greatest boyfriend, but I know I can be an amazing husband… I’ll update later… This feels like I’m in a tailspin with no direction being the right one…

  10. Me being Me said,

    Well…this is day 2…day 1 was quite a struggle…I cant believe how difficult it was for me not to say anything negative when I have such an amazing man in my life. I did let one negative comment slip about the state of our house and I felt so bad because our home is a team effort. I am going to have to work harder on all of this today. I am still thinking about my gesture of kindness. Let us see how today goes.

    • crystal pippin said,

      Today I am going to make jimmys favorite dessert, we did get in a little argument over something today but it really had nothing to do with us…it was on a subject I hold dear to my heart, but I don’t think jimmy knew how much it meant to me. Lord I pray that we are slow to anger

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